• 打印机友好版



我们的目标是帮助您尽快重新站起来并回家. 放电可以在白天和晚上发生. 你的主治医生会决定你什么时候该回家.

当你准备离开医院的时候, 你会得到一个亮粉色的信封,里面有你的出院信息. 除了, an admissions representative may visit to finalize all paperwork for billing and insurance purposes. 如果你需要配药或买设备, 沃尔格林药房位于医疗中心校园内,交通便利. 他们甚至会提供床边药物递送.

请记住,你是我们团队中最重要的一部分. 我们希望你能随意 说出来 如果你对出院计划有任何不了解的地方. We are here to meet your needs and to provide as much information as possible so that you have everything you need to complete your recovery.

当你还是病人的时候,你是否希望对你的治疗或护理做一个正式的陈述, 请与病区护士长联系. 如果担心没有解决,你可以联系病人倡导者在 410-535-8446 或质量管理部,地址 410-535-8117周一至周五上午8点.m. 到下午4点.m. 晚上和周末,请您的护士为您联系临床协调员.

You always have the option to pursue your concerns with the Department of 健康 and Mental Hygiene or The Joint Commission. 当然, we would appreciate your giving us the opportunity to first work with you to resolve any issues. 要联系DHMH,请致电 410-764-4970. 因为这个设施是由联合委员会认可的, 你也可以通过电话联系联合委员会 1-800-994-6610 或发邮件 complaint@jointcommission.org.


A special financial counselor is available to provide information and resources to patients and families. 咨询师可以解释医院的计费和收款程序, deposit requirements and payment plans; help patients apply for medical assistance; explain the hospital’s financial assistance programs and advise patients of other programs available through local agencies.

We know there is sometimes confusion regarding whether a patient is in the hospital for "outpatient observation" or admitted for an inpatient stay. 在某些情况下, it may not be immediately clear whether you are well enough to go home or if hospitalization is needed. 在这种情况下, you may be placed in "outpatient observation" for short- term diagnostic testing and monitoring to further evaluate your condition before the physician is able to make a decision on whether or not you require admission or are able to go home with follow-up care. "Outpatient observation" is different from being admitted and is not billed the same as an inpatient stay. This means that your financial responsibility may be much different than your inpatient hospital benefit depending on your insurance plan.

如果您对此或任何其他计费问题有疑问, 在正常营业时间致电财务顾问 410-535-8268 or 301-855-1012, ext. 8268 从医院外拨打或拨分机. 8268从医院内部.


医院的计费做法可能令人困惑. 我们是来帮忙的. Our patient financial services team can help you with payment options including grants and medical assistance programs as well as answer general questions about payment of your medical services. 网上买球软件为所有患者提供服务,无论其支付能力如何.

Federal and state laws require physicians to bill separately for services they perform while you are a hospital patient. 因此,您将收到几张与您的医院访问相关的单独账单.

医院帐单将包括所有医院服务的费用. 这帐单可能包括化验费, 设备和用品的使用, 你的房间, 护理, 饮食和其他技术和支持人员. Charges at all Maryland hospitals are set and controlled by the Maryland 健康 服务 Cost Review Commission. 费用表可通过联系查看 410-535-8248.

The physicians' bills will include the professional fees from hospital-based physicians who provided a service as part of your tests or care while a patient. 这些服务可能包括放射学, 麻醉学, 急救护理, 病理, 核医学, 心电图, 脑电图描记器, 精神病学, 肺内科等专科.

我们接受所有主要信用卡支付医疗费. 你也可以在网上付款 http://calverthospital.ixt.com/QuickPayAccount.aspx. 请随时与医院计费办公室联系,电话: 410-535-8248 or 301-855-1012, ext. 8248 如果你对你的医药费有任何疑问.


你需要帮助吗?... 或者我认识这样的人?

网上买球软件 provides health care to everyone in our community regardless of their ability to pay. It is our mission to improve the health of our community and we do not want cost to be a barrier for patients who truly need care.

网上买球软件 offers a number of programs for people who do not have insurance or need help paying for their health care. We employ financial counselors who can help you work out a financial plan or apply for state or federal programs that you may qualify for. 在医院的所有挂号台都可以申请经济援助.

每年,我们为符合条件的患者提供超过一百万美元的经济援助. 如果你符合要求,你可能会得到100%的账单覆盖. 关键是要和我们沟通. 如果我们没有你的网上买球软件,不知道你的情况,我们无能为力.




Información financiera del paciente(西班牙Flyer)

Thông tin Tài chính cho Bệnh nh n(越南飞行器)

财务顾问可以提供帮助. 就叫 410-535-8268.

欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 金融援助 页面.


calverthehealth创建了 向家庭的过渡 加强慢性病患者出院后护理的计划. 创新的社区外展计划旨在:

  • Identify patients with chronic conditions (such as diabetes or hypertension) who are at risk for readmission
  • 在他们出院后为他们提供额外的支持
  • 为他们提供保持健康所需的资源
  • 减少可预防的再入院

病人 may be invited to participate in this special program to help them after they are discharged from 网上买球软件. This program is designed to improve the continuity of care for patients with chronic health conditions, 如充血性心力衰竭(CHF), 慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD), 和糖尿病, 当他们在这些不同的卫生环境之间转换时. Our goal is to ensure that the transfer of care between 网上买球软件 and these other settings goes smoothly.


  • 更好地理解和管理你的药物
  • Prevent unplanned re-admissions to the hospital through a better understanding of your diagnosis
  • Make a plan for necessary follow-up with your physicians or other home care services after discharge

病人 participating in this program may receive the following services when enrolled in the program:

  • A home visit to assess and assist with the management of their medications and their health information as well as help the patient prepare for their follow-up visit with their health care provider
  • 从过渡到主队的后续电话, 谁将提供支持?, 教育, and any specialized 教育al referrals during the transition from the healthcare facility to home.
  • 进入我们的护理管理诊所, 我们的团队可以在哪里帮助你获得医疗服务, 药物管理帮助, 慢性病指导和支持.

This program provides coordination and 教育 to supplement other skilled home services you may be eligible for.



That’s why we’ve partnered with Walgreens to bring your prescriptions right to your bedside prior to leaving the hospital.

我们的病人很欣赏 床边给药 but studies show that it also increases medication compliance and reduces avoidable readmissions. 数据显示,三分之一的出院患者从未拿到处方.

calverthehealth床边药物递送计划从周一到周五上午10点开始运作.m. 到下午6点.m. 下面是它的工作原理:

  • 病人出院时会通知沃尔格林
  • 专门的沃尔格林代表收集患者信息 & 脚本
  • 处方经过处理
  • 付款由患者或护理人员安排
  • 提供药物指导
  • 药物被送到病人的床边
  • 病人出院后48小时接到药剂师的随访电话



A patient survey is mailed to your home after you are discharged or you may receive a phone call after you are discharged from 健康 Stream. 请花一点时间填写这份问卷. 你的反馈对我们很重要. Your survey responses help us learn more about how we can improve our service to you in the future.


当你还是病人的时候,你是否希望对你的治疗或护理做一个正式的陈述, 请与病区护士长联系. If concerns are not immediately addressed, you may contact the 质量 Management Department at 410-535-8117 or 410-414-4505, 周一到周五,早上8点.m. 到下午4点.m. 晚上和周末,请您的护士为您联系临床协调员.

You always have the option to pursue your concerns with the Department of 健康 and Mental Hygiene. 如欲联络DHMH,请拨电话 410-764-4970. 如果您是医疗保险受益人,您也可以通过电话联系医疗保险投诉热线 1-800-492-5811 (华盛顿居民可拨打1-800-645-0011). 因为这个设施是由联合委员会认可的, 你也可以通过电话联系联合委员会 1-800-994-6610 或发邮件 complaint@jointcommission.org. 当然, we hope that you would discuss your issues with us first so we have an opportunity to address them.



请打电话给 410-414-4858 你会被引导到案件经理那里寻求帮助.


如果你需要关于药物的说明,你可以打电话给你的医生. 如果你不知道你的医生是谁后护理, 请致电个案管理部,电话: 410-414-4858 寻求帮助.



如果你对出院计划有任何疑问或疑虑, 请致电个案管理部,电话: 410-414-4858 寻求帮助.
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